Sunday, May 29, 2005

Things I hate.

1. Girls who think acting cute means acting stupid.
2. Black people who talk to a movie at the theater.
3. People who pretend to be more drunk/stoned than they really are.
4. Stupid away messages that every tool has "In the shower I know that (insert your name) wants to join me."
5. Chain instant messages. Next person who sends me one of these is getting stabbed in the eye with my penis.
6. EMO. How pretentious do you have to be to declare your music is the only kind that contains emotion. Oh yea find another emotion besides heart break...because you strumming out chords on your acoustic guitar crying about how your girlfriend dumped you because you're a whiney pussy is NOT FUCKING ENTERTAINING.
7. Self proclaimed "players." Your stories of cheating, using, and abusing, most likely sicken me; not impress me like you seem to think they do.
8. Anyone who thinks that violent video games make people violent. Stop blaming people for your shortcomings as a parent. You wanted to have kids now take some fucking responsiblity for when you fuck them up.
9. Straight edge people. You're like the clergy with out the religion, but you remembered the condescending attitude. You are everyone's hero, make sure to get a XXX tattoo so you'll look like a real shmuck when down the line you get a real job and need a drink or two to take the edge off REALITY.
10. Trend followers. Never was one, never will be. I like what I like I don't give two shits about what is "in". If you constantly watch MTV, or read "trendy"(aka vomit inducing) magazines to know how to dress, act, and know what you should like to be cool then please read my new magazine "Suicide is Bangin, Yo."
11. Anyone named Becky. Becky is the next Lucifer.
12. Anyone named Kathryn. Kathryn is synonym for fat, manipulative, black mailing, drug dealer.
13. People who lower pick-up trucks.
14. Religious fanatics of any denomination. George Carlin had it right when he said "thou shall keep thy religion to thy self."
15. Mallrats, round them all up and gas them. Don't worry their parents won't have a fucking clue. I should be able to get in the mall without having to wade through piles of goths, druggies, and other wastes of life "hanging" out in front of the mall like it's their fucking job.
16. People who quote anything Dave Chappelle has done REPEATEDLY long past it being funny. You have ruined it for me, I will now no longer watch the show since I get replay for the rest of my life from retards like you.
17. The movie "White Chicks" and anyone who saw it. What the fuck is wrong with you?
18. People who say shit like "look out for the real world" or "no more play time for you it's time to go to the real world". Like there's this place you go to with a giant neon sign that says THE REAL WORLD. When you walk in a guy walks up takes your hopes and dreams and smashes them on the ground, then he kicks you in the nuts and robs you. Welcome to the real world.
19. Flirts, teases, whatever you want to call them. Why do I have to have blue balls just because your daddy never paid attention to you. From now on I assume all flirts are disease ridden.
20. People who live in New Jersey and cheer for Philadelphia teams. I dont' care if it's a long drive to see their games you LIVE in New Jersey. If you want to root for losers than move to Philadelphia or New York, please.
21. People who don't understand that wide screen dvds give you more picture. Look at the shape of a screen next time your at the movie theater you moe moes.
22. People who peel out around corners. No one is impressed and women are whispering about your small penis.
23. Reality TV.
24. Politics.
25. Druggies who search for the meaning of life while sitting around being a waste of space in their parents basement. Stealing money from family members and dropping mind frying drugs is the ultimate way to find answers for deep philosphical questions.
26. The guys who graduated from high school simply because they were on the football team. You can find them all in cell block C now.
27. Anyone who breaks up with their boyfriend/girlfriend, pissies and moans like it's the end of the world and then by the end of the week is with someone else. Please get something terminal.
28. Stuck up kids with cellphones and brand new cars that their mommy and daddy bought them. Life is so hard for you.
29. People who are blindly optimistic for you who but not for themselves.
30. People who say they never will, and then do.
*31. People who try to attack me in comments but than are too pussy to leave a name.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

I know you're not reading this.

I know you're not reading this.
I know you won't comment.
I know you have nothing to say.
Or perhaps you don't have the time of day.

why do you live life like it won't end?
why do you do things that will never be forgiven?
why do you spit on those who love you?
why don't you stop and look around you...
I hate you.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Fuck You! Star Wars is awesome.

DISCLAIMER: First let me start off by saying this is a review of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. To my dorky friends who have yet to see the film, yes this contains spoilers. To my "un-enlightened" friends who have not found the force yet, yes I'm a star wars dork if you can't handle that don't read this. You've been warned.

Ok now that I've gotten that out of the way, this film is simply amazing. It did everything it had to do and even then went beyond and made sure everything was explained in detail and clearly so that no one was confused what was up. Let me tell you when you approach a film you've been dreaming about for 12 years you are terrified. I sat in shear and utter terror waiting for Lucas to fuck it up, waiting for one awkward line or one silly momment that would break the mood something that would be out of place seem strange or just so bad judgement of the directors part...NOTHING DIDN'T HAPPEN NOT ONCE. After my fears cooled down around the time Anakin decapitated Dooku I knew it, this was it, his masterpiece finally realized.

I'm not gonna give you a general plot overview like lots of reviewers do; I'll simply talk about what was done right...oh yea all of it was, ok my favorite parts:

HUMOR: Best left to the droids I always say; and even though this is the darkest of ALL the Star Wars movies (yes it even makes Empire Strikes Back look tame) there is still humor to be found. Mostly supplied through artoo-detoo and his droid ass kicking. Also some funny one liners from droids listen carefully in the opening minutes of the film.

ACTION: Best battle scenes since AOTC and even better light saber duels than TPM kicks off right in the start I love a movie that just grabs me by the balls and doesn't let go and this film does it. From the WAR! line in the scrolling text you go right to an airborne fight scene, amazing the tempo is relentless. ALso extremely cool was the wookie battle scene although short and sweet emphasis has to go on the SWEET the clone troopers lined up on the giant trees shooting down on droids was just awesome.

DRAMA: Dare I say a Star Wars movie had good acting...oh I dare. The script writing was perfect the dialogue and delivery also spot on. IT HAD TO BE. This is the film where we all get our hearts pulled out as we see the galaxy thrown into darkness EVERYONE WE LOVE IN TURMOIL OR DYING and even the greatest of heroes defeated. This movies mood and atmosphere from like 40 minutes on will leave you so depressed and distraught you'll have to run home and watch the remaining 3 films just to remind yourself that it all works out.

What else can I say this movie was perfect and it demonstrates what a genius Lucas is. Hardcore fans pissed and moaned through the first two films for two reasons mainly 1. All they really wanted to see was Anakin Become Vader(I think Lucas could have literally pasted on a scene to A New Hope showing anakin becoming Vader and you would have been happy), and 2.Jar Jar. Let me tell you my silly little chums why it had to be done this way...why you had to suffer through two as you put it "medicore" star wars films to get to this wouldn't have been nearly as powerful if you hadn't seen the progression of his character. Think about it. He made you suffer through a kids film(ep.1), he then dragged you kicking and screaming through a love story (ep.2) just so we can get to the big shabang that is episode 3. It wouldn't have been nearly as powerful if I hadn't seen this character progress from a small innocent child, to an arrogant young adult, to a jedi knight with so much inner turmoil and conflict in his life it forces him to make a deal with the devil in order to gain enough control in his life to save the ones he loves. But of course the devil isn't on your side he only pushes anakin to the point where he himself kills padme(I said there were spoilers).
Anyways after the most amazing emotional plunge(yoda defeated by Palpitine, Obi-wan defeating anakin leaving him slowly slipping into lava, and padme giving birth naming her children and dying) we are still left with closure and hope for the future. The remaining minutes of the film there is a mad dash to give us closure. Leia goes with Senator Organa and Luke is dropped off on tantooine by Obi-Wan to be watched over. It wrapped up perfectly and explained everything more than I thought they would. I could ramble all day about this film and still have more to say but I'll say this just go see it I don't care how much you didn't like the first two or how you think Lucas has "lost his touch" because as soon as you sit down and get through 20 minutes of the film Lucas is going to appear before you and kick you in the nuts and remind you why you're his bitch, because he's a film god and we're the helpless dorks that love this shit.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

My New Business Venture.

Over my years in the workforce something has been nagging at me. I've always had millions of great ideas and suggestion for upper management, which I'm sure they enjoyed since they were all great. But there has been something big, something huge nagging at me all the long and I've finally put my finger on it. My new venture will revolutionize business as we know it. Companies will be able to save thousands in wasted money. My plan you ask...replace all lower managers with parrots.
Sounds crazy right...but think it over. Every intro level shit retail job always has these managers whose job requires no special training or experience beyond your shit intro job. Their only responibility is to repeat the same damn order over and over. When I worked at target the manager of the Electronics department was this ass who as soon as I came in, would give me an order and then repeat it over and over and over and over, until I clocked out at the end of the night. My job now just requires my boss to say "get sales" or "we need sales" over and over and over. Wouldn't so much money be saved if a parrot was trained to say this phrase repeadtedly? I mean put some paper down feed them some crackers and your set. They're easily trainable, and accomplish the same tasks as an over-paid manager. Seriously jump on this enterprise now cuz once I start approaching businesses the money will be flying in so start buying stock.

*Sqwauk* Are you Working hard, or hardly working? *Sqwauk* Pauly wants a sale!

ps. Thanks to whoever pointed out the spelling error. It must be a good sign that the only comments my posts inspire are. "you spelled parrots wrong". *sigh*