Monday, July 10, 2006

The Charity Policy *Update*

I understand this is a controversial subject even though I didn't realize this until I shared it with some coworkers. And having seen their reactions to it I took the time to reevaluate it but yet I still stand behind my original conclusions. I think charities are fine and dandy I'm sure they do lots of good, and the people in charge of the causes believe what they do really makes a difference, so I'm glad they've derived so much meaning from it and also feel they accomplish good in the world at the sametime.
My only problem with Charities is how they collect funds. Charities tend to excel at collect money for their programs through one strong tactic...guilt. Tin cans with pictures of abused animals, commercials of kids with bugs on them, all built to make you feel guilty "all we need is 1 dollar a day you can spare that can't you? You selfish piece of shit!" It's because of this tactic of questionable morality that I refuse to help charities in their goals. At times I will give to them...but I will not take part in guilting people into giving.
You see at two jobs I have worked at (WaWa, A&P) they have done drives for charities in which they sell a paper cut-out of something related to the charity (heart, smiley face etc) and they sell it for a dollar. What they ask me to do is put the person on the spot...I am suddenly working for Jerry's Kids and it's my job to make people feel shitty (while they purchase alcohol no less!) and get them to donate money so that I might win a pizza party if my store sells the most. I refuse, I won't do it, they've given up asking me and I cringe everytime they do it, I feel it's wrong if people want to donate they will don't stick them up with poor or diseased kids to rob them of a couple bucks.
Another thing is I don't give to beggers on the street unless they don't beg me. If I see a guy who is missing limbs and looks so terrible on the side of the street he might earn some money. But when bums are waiting by the register at Geno's to (bum) rush me and ask for change then fuck no, if you well enough to camp out here then your well enough to get a job shoveling shit somewhere...someone has to do the crap jobs and you have none obviously. I saw a story once about this millionare who begged on the streets that was his only job and he was a friggin millionare the goverment should look into taxing these rich bums.

Today at work some guy saw the sign for the charity collections we were asking for and commented that how that years ago we had one of those cans for animal hospitals. The piss yellow cans with pictures of dogs with three legs and such. Well turns out the guy who ran that is in jail now because he isn't a legal charity and was using the cans to live for free of your good will. Giver beware I guess.


Blogger Paulo said...

I especially hate it when they do it at the movie theatre. I'm sure they get a higher volume of donations per person because the average person going to the movies is more likely to be on a date than the average person in Walgreens.

"Would you like to donate $1 to help the crippled children, or would you like to look cheap in front of the lady?"

I briefly worked for a "charity" group that had me going door to door, begging for money. I took a look at their promotional materials, and as far as I could tell the money just followed a chain up to the guys on top. I'm a cynical bastard about that stuff now. They pour so much money into advertising and paying their beggars to beg for money, it's probably a tiny fraction of the donated money that reaches its intended goal.

11:39 PM  

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